High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Open Lesson on the History of Kazakhstan with Innovations and AI!

On December 10, group IYr-11 attended a fascinating open lesson on the topic “Traditional Musical Culture of the Kazakhs”, led by instructor Kulbarshyn Nurakanovna Saparova.
The instructor employed modern methods and innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to make the lesson more interactive and engaging.
What was used during the lesson?
• Interactive presentations showcasing musical instruments and allowing students to listen to traditional Kazakh music.
• Video materials and documentaries about the development of Kazakh musical culture.
• AI-powered programs that analyzed musical compositions and provided additional insights into melodies, their origins, and performance features.
• Online polls and quizzes to assess knowledge in real-time.
Students actively participated by discussing, asking questions, and sharing their impressions, while innovative technologies brought the lesson to life.
This lesson demonstrated how traditional knowledge can be effectively combined with modern teaching methods, making the learning process both exciting and technologically advanced!