High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

The official website of the EHI College

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

President of EAGI College

Iskakov Alibek

1st year student

Specialty “Hotel Business” GBR-11

Prime Minister of EAGI College

Marat Zhasmin

1st year student

Specialty “Jurisprudence” Pr-11

Minister Of Education the EAGI College

Temirgali Moldir

1st year student

Specialty «Translator» PDk-11

Ministr of external affairs OF EAGI college

Kenes Aldiar

1st year student

Speciality “Programmer” PVR-12

Minister of Internal Affairs of EAGI College

Nazarbekova Fariza

1st year student

Specialty “Foreign language teacher”

Minister culture and art EAGI College

Artur Amira

1st year student

Specialty “Tourism”  Tr-11

Minister of Debate Movement of EAGI College

Sailaubek Daneyla

1st year student

Specialty: preschool education and training

Vice Minister of Debate Movement of EAGI College

Yusupov Yasin

1st year student

Specialty “software” PVr-12

Minister of Information Affairs of EAGI College

Tynyshbai Kausar

1st year student

Specialty “Tourism” Tr-11

Vice Minister of Information Affairs

Amanbek Aiaru

1st year student

Specialty “English teacher “ IAK-11

Minister of Health

Shaikina Talmina

1st year student

Specialty”preschool education and education” DVR-12

Minister of Creativity of EAGI

Bolatova Ayana

1st year student

Specialty “Tourism” TR-11

Vice-Minister for Creative Affairs of the EAGI College

Nurmukhambet Ayim Talgatovna

1st year student

Specialty “Preschool education and Upbringing” DVR-12

College of the Minister of Social Affairs EAGI

Sekova Irina

1st year student

Specialty “Foreign language teacher” IUR-11

Vice Minister of Social Works

Nurlanova Zhuldyzai

1st year student

Specialty “Preschool education”

Minister of sport of the EAGI college

Gasanov Ali

1st year student

Speciality “Hotel Business” GBR-11