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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

School of young teachers

«Young Teacher’s School» provides support to  young teachers  in the period of adaptation to new professional conditions. «Young Teacher’s School» consist of  9 young teachers. Head of the «Young Teacher’s School» is Doshanova G.K
The content of the activity «Young Teacher’s School» deals with these  current topics:
– «Didactic lesson basics»
-«Using the active forms and methods of training for the formation of general and professional competencies»
-«Managerial skills of a teacher and ways of their further development»
-«Modern approaches to assessing students»
The following directions can be distinguished in the work of the «Young Teacher’s School»; adaptation work, psychological support, self-education motivation, professional communications organization.
Adaptation work includes:
1.    Questioning (identifying difficulties in the work at the beginning of the year)
2.    Securing mentors for young professionals
3.    Filling in a diagnostic card of pedagogical skills
  Work on the organization of professional communication includes the establishment of professional communication:
a)    With the mentor – assistance in drawing up course scheduleand reciprocal visiting of classes.
b)    With colleagues on the subject-cycle commission
c)    With the administration
d)    With students and  their parents