High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

Subject-cycle commission Kazakh and Russian

The task of the subject-cycle commission: to give students knowledge within the framework of an updated educational program through differentiated training and the formation of competency -based skills.

In the EAGI Higher College, general education and general professional disciplines are studied: Kazakh (Russian) language and literature, professional Kazakh (Russian) language, office work in the state language, foreign literature, etc.

Head of the commission of the association: Omarova Alma Rustemovna,  teacher – moderator, teacher  of the Kazakh language and literature ;

As part of the commission of the association – 9 teachers:

Akhmetbekova Gainesh Malikzadinovna – teacher – researcher; teacher of the Kazakh language and literature ;

Seitkerimova Kermakas Slavmkulovna – teacher – expert, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature ;

Suminova Olga Gennadievna – teacher of the second category in Russian language and literature ;

Zharmukhanova Anargul Zhumabaevna –  teacher – moderator, teacher of   Kazakh language and literature ;

Mukhamadieva Samal Sakenovna – master, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature ;

Zhetibaeva Botagoz Nurgazinovna – master of phycology and pedagogy.

Daniyarova Saule Toregozhevna – teacher – moderator, teacher of russian language and literature.

Zhaksytaeva Gulsum Mamanovna – teacher of the Kazakh language and literature ;

Members of the commission of the association carry out methodological activities on various technologies: critical thinking, ethno pedagogy, developmental education, differentiated education, game technologies.

In order to improve the professional competence of students, teachers conduct optional classes (the competence of the teacher «Мұғалім  құзыреттілігі» – «Введение в специальность»).

Every year, a decade of subjects of the humanitarian cycle is held, the purpose of which is to develop students’ interest in the study of the Kazakh and Russian languages, to educate the need to study them.

In accordance with the plan of the decade and with the aim of developing creative abilities, open lessons, conferences, competitions, intellectual competitions, and fairs are held. Non-traditional forms of work make it possible to diversify educational activities, increase the intellectual activity of students and the effectiveness of training.

The decade has practical significance and contributes to the acquisition of students’ languages as a means of communication in everyday life, educational activities, and also fosters respect for the native language, increases interest in the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication.

Subject-cycle commission “Foreign language teacher”

The chairman of the subject-cycle commission “Foreign Language Teacher” is Tasbulatova Leila Serikovna

The commission consists of 6 teachers:

Dairova G. R.

Asylbekkyzy E.,

Baildilova M.B.

Kadyrova A. S.

Temirbulatova T. M.

Beldeubayeva Zh. Zh.

The goal of the subject-cycle commission is to prepare a competitive specialist with the skills and abilities of practical proficiency in everyday speech and the language of major for the active use of a foreign language both in everyday and professional communication, capable of carrying out continuous self-education and improving their qualifications in the future due to knowledge of a foreign languages, development of foreign language communicative competence in students.

Graduates of this major show excellent results:

High percentage of academic performance and quality of knowledge at the final certification;

High percentage of admission to universities;

Productive work with social partners.

To improve the language competence of students, various meetings are held with native speakers, close cooperation with social partners is organized, which leads to the effective preparation of a competent specialist.

Teachers pay special attention to the development of new teaching technologies when teaching foreign languages: project technology, information and communication technology, interactive teaching methods.

Subject-cycle commission of service and economics

Qualitative and quantitative composition of the subject-cycle commission service and economics brings together teachers of special disciplines of the specialties “Tourism” and “Hotel business”.

The subject-cycle commission includes experienced workers of secondary vocational education, teachers with the highest category: Sadykova R.K., Musina A.Z., Temirova G.K., Kusainov M.T., Ermekbaeva A.B.

Methodological theme of the subject-cycle commission: designing a modern lesson based on a modular competence-based approach as a condition for preparing a competitive specialist in the field of service and tourism. Based on the topic, an urgent goal is formulated: improving the professional competencies of students through the introduction of a modular-competency-based approach in teaching special disciplines of the specialties “Tourism” and “Hotel business”.

For the purpose of professional growth, teachers of the subject-cycle commission work according to individual self-education plans, the main methodological problem of which is the implementation of TVE educational programs based on a modular competence -based approach to teaching.

The subject-cycle commission of service and economics also solves common tasks: work independently to improve your knowledge, love your profession. Teachers study the individual characteristics of each student, instill in them the skills of socially useful work.

Subject-cycle commission of general educational disciplines

The task of the subject-cycle commission is to develop the basic competencies of first-year students for the successful development of professional competencies.

Chairman of the subject-cycle commission of general education disciplines: Azybaeva Zhanar Muratkankyzy, geography teacher, master of natural sciences.

Teachers of general education disciplines are creative teachers:

Zaurbekova Saule Sailauovna category); mathematics teacher higher

Doshchanova Gulmira Kushekovna teacher of mathematics and physics (teacher-researcher);

Zhusipbekov Murat Tastanbekovich teacher of basic military training (teacher-researcher);

Smailov Ramazan Tayshibaevich teacher of physical education (teacher-researcher);

Aitmagambetuly Nazarbek teacher of physical education;

Talapov Igilik Ruslanovich teacher of physical education;

Amangeldi Aidana Malikkyzy teacher of chemistry and biology;

Amanzhol Rabiga Beysentaykyzy Teacher of chemistry and biology;

Onalkhan Turlen Toleukhankyzy teacher of mathematics and physics;

Eralieva Aigerim Abzalkyzy teacher of physics.

Subject-cycle commission informatics and programming

The key role in the educational process of the college belongs to the subject-cycle commission of informatics and programming. The work of this commission is aimed at the introduction of information technologies and information culture of both students and teachers.

The subject-cycle commission of informatics and programming is made up of a friendly, creative team: Baymukhanbetova G.Kh., Kalieva A.G., Edigenova Z.T., Ergazy A.E., Abeuov S.B., who has produced more than one generation of information specialist’s technologies successfully working at the largest enterprises of the capital:

In working with students of the specialty “Information Systems” much attention is paid to the development of professional competencies. This is facilitated by the traditional professional competition “Profi”, internships in reputable IT companies, such as: JSC “NAT Kazakhstan”, LLP “BI-HOLDING”, JSC “National Information Technologies”, as well as excursions to automated production in the PSC Electronic portal E -GOV, Center for Operational Management of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Nur -Sultan, Supercomputer (ENU), meetings with successful, interesting IT professionals.

The joint work of students with teachers is also effective. Students of the specialty “Information Systems” provide technical assistance to teachers, participate in the development of electronic textbooks, in the publishing and design activities of teachers.

Subject-cycle commission of social and legal disciplines

The subject-cycle commission of social and legal disciplines carries out work in two directions:

  • Teaching social disciplines: the history of Kazakhstan, world history, the basics of cultural studies, political science and sociology, philosophy. Organizing the learning activities of students, teachers apply new techniques and methods to enhance their cognitive activity. In the extracurricular activities of students, a large place is occupied by visiting the capital’s museums, holding meetings and conversations on memorable dates.
  • Teachers of legal disciplines implement the tasks of the professional module of the specialty in the second and third years. Much attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills of future specialists. Cooperation with social partners is carried out in the form of meetings with representatives of the profession, as well as through the organization of professional practice in the regional bar association of Akmola region, in courts, in the Department of Justice, the Department of Internal Affairs of Astana.

Students of the specialty “Jurisprudence” take an active part in research work, competitions of professional skills, receive prizes for participating in student scientific conferences. Much attention is paid to the work and defense of the term paper as a task of a research and creative nature, which is one of the forms of revealing theoretical and practical knowledge, the ability to apply them in solving specific scientific and practical problems.

Graduates of the specialty “Jurisprudence” successfully study at universities, work in the specialty they have received, and serve in the army.

Subject-cycle commission “Preschool education and training”

Subject affiliation “Preschool education and training.” The head of the united commission Zhetybaev  A.E.,. The commission consists of 6 teachers: Serkebaeva MK, Sadykova A.Zh., Shayakhmetova D.A., Tuyakova A.K., Bondarenko R.S., Sembina S.A,.Makhmet M.A. These teachers have the highest, first and second category.

Members of the unification commission carry out methodological activities in various fields: level differentiation technology, game technologies, and developmental learning technologies. They also hold pedagogical Olympiads, scientific conferences of the city and republican levels, open lessons, extra-curricular events with the preparation of students for competitions. We develop students’ competencies in a comprehensive direction. Purpose: to develop thinking, enrich vocabulary, be able to freely degenerate your thoughts and specifically express your point of view. The unification fund includes: “Language Theory and Methodology of Development”, Pedagogy ”,“ Psychology ”,“ Formation of Elementary Mathematical Representations ”,“ Elements of Choreography and Rhythmics ”,“ Children’s Literature ”, as well as electronic materials on other subjects . The specifics of the profession can be called “Montessori technology training.” Montessori Technology Learning introduces student effectiveness and teaches how to use the latest technology.