Training and on-the-job work
One of the main stages of training qualified specialists is a production activity, the purpose of which is the integrated mastering by students of all types of professional activity in specialties, the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of the necessary skills and practical experience of students in the profile.
What contributes to the quality training of the future specialist?
1. Material and technical base
In the specialties “Pre-school education and training” there is a workshop “according to the technology of M. Montessori”, “Jurisprudence” laboratory “Criminalistics”; “Organization of the hotel industry” laboratory “Training Hotel Room”; “Tourism” laboratory “Educational travel agency”; “Library Studies” laboratory “Training Library” and the specialty “Translation Studies” two workshops “The language laboratories”. Eight (8) computer rooms are equipped with 189 computers (one for training in the course “Amadeus Basic Course”), as well as a testing room.

2. Professional skills competitions.
Training future specialists and their further employment is impossible without serious practical training. One of the forms of completion of practical training are the competitions of professional skill “The best in the profession”, the final conferences in practice.
The college has a tradition of holding competitions of professional skill:
– a city college-based competition: “Tourism is my choice”, “Language experts”;
– Intra-college “IT World in my hands”, “Law Master”.
We actively participate in the international student competition of consecutive interpretation “Tri-D-Int”, in city and republican competitions by profession: “Talented teacher for gifted children”, “Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in tourist all-events”, “Golden Autumn”, “City competition of guides”,“ World Skills Kazakhstan ”. Presentation of youth social projects in the framework of the project “Social Innovations” implemented with the financial support of Chevron and BRITISH COUNCIL. Training on the international project “Unischool” International House Prague “AKCENT” in the Czech Republic, etc.
3. Partnerships with social partners.
The existing network of basic enterprises included the most stable enterprises with a developed structure and qualified management. These are such enterprises:
• Companies: the Regional Bar Association, the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Palace of Peace and Accord, the Palace of Independence, the NWC Association – the association of Kazakhstani enterprises of nuclear science and industry, the Competence Development Center «Astana Education», JSC National Information Technologies, Competence Development Center «Astana Education», Educational Consulting «Stady Inn»;
• Associations: Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants, Kazakhstan Tourist Association, Kazakhstan Association of Private Pre-School Organizations, the Association of Montessori of Kazakhstan, the Association of Professional Translators of Kazakhstan;
• Hotels: “Soluxe Hotel Astana (Beijing Palace)”, “Zhumbaktas”, “Wyndham Garden Astana”, “Sultan Bebarys”;
• Tourist organizations: «Amadeus» JD ES LLP, Ethno-Memorial Complex Map of Kazakhstan – Atameken, «SAYAT Travel» Company, «Euro-Asien-Expres» LLP, «Triumph Travel Group» LLP;
• Organizations of pre-school and school education: school № 22, 48,51,54, 70 kindergartens № 7,8,9,18, 32,34 and many others.

Forms of interaction with social partners
– Conduct practical training;
– Open days at the enterprise;
– Joint conferences on the results of production practices;
– Meetings with representatives of the profession;
– Conducting qualifying examinations for the assignment of the working profession, final certification and industry certification.
The college conducts systematic work to expand contacts with enterprises and organizations. Currently, it signed more than 60 cooperation agreements.
I would like to mention an interesting experience of such companies as the Beijing Palace Hotel, Zhumbaktas, Gala Translations, Capital Education, which, before starting the practice, conduct a complex of trainings to enhance the practical skills of students; experienced and qualified mentors.