High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

The official website of the EHI College

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  • Аккредитационное свидетельство

    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

The concept of educational work of EAGI college for 2015-2019

Purpose: Development of the intellectual, spiritual and professional-creative potential of students on the national idea “Mangilik el” in the conditions of the educational environment; creating conditions for the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality based on universal and national values, having developed professional and spiritual and moral qualities, ready to make decisions independently in a choice situation, capable of cooperation and intercultural interaction in a multilingual and multicultural society.


  • Orient young people to universal and national values, respect for the native language and culture of the Kazakh people, ethnic groups and ethnic groups of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • To form a motivational space that ensures the development of intellectual abilities, leadership qualities and talent of each person.
  • Develop student college self-government

Priority directionseducational work

Universal and national values, being the core of the holistic pedagogical process, permeate all areas of educational work:

1) education of Kazakhstan patriotism and citizenship, legal education;

2) spiritual and moral education;

3) national education;

4) family education;

5) labor, economic and environmental education;

6) polycultural and artistic and aesthetic education;

7) intellectual education, information culture education;

8) physical education, healthy lifestyle.

The goals of education and the tasks of educational work are realized in the educational process, in extracurricular and leisure time.

As measures of the effectiveness of the implementation of educational work, criteria are presented that manifest themselves through the relationship of the individual to the world, to those or other values ​​and social phenomena.

Work in these areas leads to the following results:

  • Growth of the level of formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, civil self-awareness, legal and anti-corruption culture, tolerance and socially significant personal qualities.
  • Creating a system of student self-government college.
  • Neutralization of factors of negative influence on the process of formation of professional, spiritual, moral, general cultural qualities of a person.

Responsible attitude of students to family and marriage, their health, the health of people around them.

  • Developed economic thinking of the individual, a conscious attitude towards professional development and self-realization
  • High level of environmental literacy
  • The desire of the individual to socialization, self-education and self-realization

Educational work in college is implemented in accordance with local acts on the organization of educational activities.

The implementation of the educational process is headed by the deputy director for educational work, Ospanova A.B with the assistance of the method of uniting the curators under the leadership of Katrenova A.K, psychologist Beketova A.S, the committee on youth affairs Smankulova T.E. Educational work is carried out according to the concept, program and plan of educational work.
There is a plan – a grid of educational activities. The events planned for the academic year are performed in full: preventive work, thematic curator hours, holiday concerts, scientific and practical conferences, business games, disputes, sightseeing trips, visiting exhibitions, and much more. College students take an active part in citywide events receive certificates and diplomas.