High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

A Day Filled with Spiritual Nourishment!

Second-year students of the “Kazakh Language and Literature Teaching” program took an exciting trip to the Kazakh National Drama Theatre named after K. Kuanyshbaev to watch the play “Abai” as part of its 34th season. The performance, dedicated to the life and work of the great poet, made a deep impact on the hearts of the students, encouraging reflection and a deeper understanding of his philosophy.
This journey was not just a chance to enjoy theatrical art but also a unique opportunity to discover the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people, immerse in Abai’s teachings, and internalize them.
A special thank you to the group leader Zhetibaeva Botakoz Nurgazikizi for organizing such an important spiritual journey!
The theatre is a center of education and inspiration. If you want to experience unforgettable emotions, we highly recommend watching performances at Kuanyshbaev Theatre!