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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Immersion in History: A Tour That Inspires!

First-year students majoring in “Translation Studies” explored new horizons by visiting the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The tour, “Through the Pages of the Nation’s History,” felt like a true journey through time:
• Unique exhibits unveiled the greatness of the past;
• Stories of great ancestors reminded us of the power of national spirit;
• Cultural heritage inspired new achievements.
The event was organized as part of the Decade of the Department of Social and Legal Disciplines, under the guidance of lecturer K.N. Saparova.
The future begins with deep respect for one’s history, and our students are those who will bridge the knowledge of the past with the challenges of the modern world!