High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

The official website of the EHI College

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Election of the President of the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute

On February 17, 2023, presidential elections were held at the EAHI Higher college. The main purpose of the election of the College President was to strengthen the role of the student parliament in the education of students, the establishment of a democratic lifestyle, mutual demands, a sense of social justice, a healthy moral and psychological climate. From 9.00 to 19:00,

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Memorandum of Cooperation

In order to develop cooperation and strengthen mutual cooperation between «Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute» and NJC «S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University» signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The Parties shall do their utmost to provide each other with maximum support in carrying out the joint work, projects and commitments undertaken under this memorandum.

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Formation of anti-corruption culture among students

On February 15 2023, a meeting was held at the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute with an officer of the Prevention Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Kenebayeva and pool speaker from among the youth of the Department of Anti-Corruption Service M.Arslanbek, who conducted a preventive conversation among 3rd year students on the topic: “Formation