High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

Extramural department

The extramural department plans its work every year for the whole period of study. Planning and learning process organization for all courses is performed in accordance with curriculum.
Schedules are worked out for all specialties and for courses. Syllabuses are in accordance with RK State Educational Standard and sample programs and are approved in the established order.
Overview classes are held for newly-enrolled students and college Academic Director Deputy approves the schedule.
Schedule for taking state examinations and overview lectures is made according to learning process schedule.

Ермекбаева Асель Балтабековна

Extramural department supervisor


Специальности, по которым ведётся обучение на заочном отделении


Qualification: Legist

ID: 0201000


Hotel industry service organization

Qualification: Administrator Service manager

ID: 0507000


Pre-school learning and upbringing

Qualification: Pre-school tutor

ID: 0101000


Basic secondary education

Qualification: Teacher of Kazakh language and literature in a secondary school

ID: 0111000


Библиотечное дело

Квалификация: Библиотекарь

Код специальности: 0401000