The formation of a methodically competent teaching staff directly depends on the results of the activities of experienced teachers who successfully use innovative teaching technologies in their practice. On the basis of the School of Excellence, the work of creative platforms was organized under the leadership of G.K. Temirova. One of the effective forms of experience exchange, professional development of teachers at the college, was the work of creative platforms. The essence of the work of such creative groups is that teachers are grouped into groups based on certain technologies. Such an organization of work creates an atmosphere of cooperation between teachers to study and apply a certain learning technology. Teachers from the School of Excellence are appointed as the head of such groups. For example: dual education, information technology, modular education, ethnopedagogy, school of cooperation and others.
Each teacher, regardless of work experience and disciplines taught, could master the technology in a microgroup. The head of the creative platform is a mentor and consultant on this technology. A prerequisite for choosing a manager: accumulated work experience in this technology, passing advanced training courses in this technology.
The activities of creative groups are carried out on the basis of the regulations on the creative site and the work plan for the year. During the year, teachers study the theoretical aspects of technology, attend master classes, receive advice on planning documentation, etc.
A teacher can master technologies at several sites. For example: due to the pedagogical burden on the academic year, teaching in the specialty "Preschool education" is necessary on the basis of a modular competence-based approach to teaching and dual training. Therefore, teachers are part of two microgroups: "Modular training" (head Temirova G.K.) and "Dual training" (head Shayakhmetova D.A.).
The work of the creative group "Information Technologies" (head Kalieva A.G.) is interesting and relevant. Informatization and digitalization have been making this platform relevant for 5 years. Here, the development of new information programs for training , computer testing, registration and teaching in distance learning conditions, and more. Teachers with extensive practical experience: Edigenova Z.T. – Talap coach, information technology specialist, Ermekbayeva A.B..- specialist in the automated program "Platonus", Oynarova D.J..- computer technology specialist, etc.
In parallel with the process of introducing advanced technologies, the development of documentation accompanying their activities begins: various provisions, methodological recommendations, algorithms. All of them must be coordinated with the existing local acts.
In the context of the modernization of the VET, all teachers use innovative approaches in their regular work. Thanks to the organized work of creative platforms, teachers realize the goals of teaching, form methodological baggage, embody the ideas of technology in the classroom, analyze their activities, and strive to achieve high results in teaching.
The college has established a mentoring system, which is an effective and effective way of professional development of young specialists. Teachers, members of the SHPO: Musina A.Z., Doschanova G.K., Bondarenko R.S., Sadykova R.K., Kalieva A.G., Katrenova A.K., Sembina S.A. provide methodological assistance in using modern methods, techniques and educational technologies in the educational process, contribute to the formation of an individual style of activity of a young specialist.