High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

The official website of the EHI College

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года

How it was… May 30, 2007

The year of foundation of the college of Eurasian Institute of Humanities is the year of producing the new source of education. The idea of creating a new educational institution capable to prepare specialists demanded in today’s society belongs to the Rectorate of Eurasian Institute of Humanities.

Rector A.K Kussainov, first prorector A.J. Ismailov, prorector of scientific and methodical work K.A. Akhmetov, prorector of social and economical problems S.S.Ospanov made a significant contribution in the formation and development of the college. It was in the year 2007 on September 1st when the first bell rang. College staff consisted of 17 teachers and headed by Alma Dairovna Ashirbekova welcomed first 222 students and began to make its first steps in the history of college. Students’ Parliament Elections, College Day celebration, intellectual Olympiads among freshmen were the brightest events of the first year. The college history began brightly!

About us

College of   EHI is an educational institution focused on working with teenagers aged 16-18 who are seeking to get a secondary professional education.

It was created on the basis of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, which allows for continuous professional training.

During its existence, the College has trained more than two thousand specialists who successfully work in various sectors of the economy.

Educational and industrial activities in the College are evaluated as priority, the most significant and responsible, based on a modular competence approach.

The educational process solves the tasks of the program of socialization of the individual.

The Golden capital of the College is our teachers! They are distinguished by their love for students, professionalism, caring and a desire to always help.

72 percent of teachers have high and first category. They are not only subject teachers, but also experts in the commissions for certification and accreditation of colleges, reviewers and consultants in scientific and methodological events. Their achievements were included in the international encyclopedia of «Talented children are the future of Kazakhstan», «The best in education».