High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Protection of industrial practice by students of the Tr-31 group in the specialty 0511000 “Tourism”. EAGI College.

In the Tr-31 group, specialty 0511000 “Tourism”, the final online conference on the protection of reports on the passage of industrial practice at enterprises of the hospitality and service industry was held on the ZOOM platform. Students acquired the necessary skills and abilities within the framework of the modular training format and the material passed in special disciplines. At the

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“Observation and control” conference

The Kyal-21 group about 2 course students had received their first professional experience from 01.03.21 to 27.03.21. Today was held the final conference of the experience of students of the Kyal-21 group “Observation and control”. Students had completed their first internship online and offline. Students were able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the plans in both cases. The

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Presidential elections

On March 10, the College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute held the election of the president and the new composition of the college’s Parliament. According to the results of the vote count, Zhanysbek Bekzat, a first-year student of the specialty “Translation Studies”, was elected the new president of the EAGI College».

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Do you know about HIV/AIDS?

On January 27, A Nurse of the College Rakhmetova S. S. and head of the Center for social and psychological assistance of the city Polyclinic No. 3 Kasenova D. S. together with students of DVK-11, Kyal-11 groups for the purpose of forming a healthy lifestyle held a seminar “Do you know about HIV/AIDS?” lecture on the topic  

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

We wish best of luck to our students!

Jasmina Abdimaulenova and Anton Demin, two 4-year students of Eurasian Humanities Institute’s college, who major in «Kazakh Language and Literature» and «Тourism» respectively, are participating in the «Top 100 College Students of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Project, and so far have reached the republican level. Voting will be held online on the Project’s Internet resource from 12th to 20th of

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Graduation 2020

DEAR GRADUATES! The teaching staff of the EAHI College sincerely congratulates You on your professional education! We wish you creative success, personal growth and new achievements! Due to an emergency, we have to cancel the graduation ceremony. Documents will be issued in the lobby of the College according to the schedule: time group 10.00 DVk-41 11.00 DVr-41 12.00 KYAL-41 14.00