On 10/22/2024, a sports competition “MIGHTY YOUTH – MIGHTY COUNTRY!” was held among the teams of 1st year students at the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.
On October 18, 2024, a meeting of parents was held at the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanities Institute on the topic “Interaction between the family and the college in the development of a student’s personality”.
On October 16, 2024, the “Student Reception Party” was held at the “Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.” “Dear students! I wish you a bright life, cheerful friends, productive studies, and successful exams. Student years are the most unforgettable and wonderful time! May your dreams come true, and may you reach great heights!»
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the children’s writer Berdybek Sokpakbaev, teachers of the Kazakh language and literature of our college held educational activities among students in order to implement the “Integrated education” program!
On October 14, 2024, a meeting was held at the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute with representatives from the Almaty region prosecutor’s office – Yeshenkulov Nurdaulet Nurlanuly and Khamitov Olzhas Aidarkeldievich (Youth Policy Department), Kaidar Miras Kabidenuly, and Senior Lieutenant of the Almaty district police Malikova Alua Berikovna (CIPR and UIP OYUP UP UP, theologian). The theme of
03.10.2024y. the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute held a concert dedicated to Teacher’s Day, students of groups Iyak-11 Iyak-21 Iyar-11 Iyar-21 Iyak-31 Iyak-32 showed incredible musical numbers and skits and congratulated all teachers on their holiday.
Within the framework of the “Unified Education Program” among beautiful girls of the specialties “Teacher of Kazakh Language and Literature”, “Preschool Education” a competition of braids “Burymdy kyz – bilimdi kyz” was held. Our wise nation, who believed that “double braids are the beauty of a girl”, associated all the beauty, politeness, beautiful, kind character of girls with braids. Since
The purpose of the cleanup was to contribute to improving the city’s ecological situation, to instill a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of the environment among students, and to foster a culture of collective work and care for nature.
Students of our college visited the National Museum on September 20 for the festival “KitapTime – 2024”. This was a national event which was organized with a purpose of encouraging the youth to read, showcase the ways to enhance their intellectual abilities, and to re-introduce them with our culture.
On September 19, 2024, second-year students of the “Tourism” program visited the Falcon Mountains for practical study of organizing tourist routes and to get acquainted with the region’s natural attractions. The students not only enjoyed the beautiful landscapes but also gained valuable experience in the tourism industry.