High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Освобождение места по государственному гранту

Уважаемые студенты! Сообщаем об освобождении места по государственному образовательному заказу на следующей специальности: 01120100 – Дошкольное воспитание и обучение 4S01120102 – Воспитатель организации дошкольного воспитания 1) 2 курс, обучение на казахском языке (2020-2021 год поступления) 2) 2 курс, обучение на русском языке (2020-2021 год поступления) 3) 4 курс, обучение на русском языке (2018-2019 год поступления) В связи с этим, просим

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Production practice

In the period from 12/27/2021 to 01/15/2022. students of the specialty 0511000 “Tourism” group Tr-41 completed an internship at hospitality industry enterprises to develop professional competencies in module PM-09 “Implementation of inter-functional interaction”. The basic enterprises of the travel agency “New World”, “Astana Tour”, “Golden Travel”, “OTRAR Travel”, “Voyage tur” gave a practical opportunity for students to develop professional skills

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Results of the first pedagogical practice

Pedagogical practice is an important factor stimulating, self-education and professional training of the future teacher. It is practice that helps the student to learn communicative, gnostic, research, integrative competencies. Students of specialty 0111000 “Basic secondary education”, qualification 0111083 “Teacher of a foreign language” of the third year from 29.11.2021 to 8.01.2022 passed the first pedagogical practice at the school-gymnasium #30

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“Factors hindering the formation of a person as a person” debate

On December 28, the debate “factors hindering the formation of a person as a person” took place. The Kjal-22 and Kjal-12 groups took part in the debate. Divided into two groups, the 1st group talked about the influence of society on the formation of a person as a person, the 2nd group talked about how the family affects the formation

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Pedagogical experience is an important part of the system of professional training

The final conference on the practice “Competition and control” for 3rd year students of the specialty “Basic secondary education” “Teacher of foreign languages” was held at the Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.  Students of 54 lyceum schools in Nur-Sultan were studied in accordance with the development plan, curricula  for selected classes, a methodological folder according to the practice

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

EAGI College Activists Visit Children’s Home

On November 4, 2021, activists of the 1st year of Kyal 11, 12, 13 and Iyak 11, 12 together with the president of the college Zhanysbek Bekzat held a fun play with concert numbers and games for children under 8-9 years old. The event was held in a center for children with difficult living situation at 67 Saken Seifullin. Children