4th year student of the specialty «Pre-school education and training» Did The internship on 18th october, 2018 year. Head of the practice: Aimanbetova S.B. The event was consists of 3 parts: 1. Performance of little guests – Grade 1 a of school-gymnasia №22 – Care facilities №32, №34. 2. Carrying out of gaming communication training with invited little guests (25
Dazzling smiles, breathtaking numbers and irresistible outfits all filled the conference hall of the Eurasian Institute of Humanities , on 28th February, in 2018, where the beauty contest “Miss of college EAGI 2018” was held. It has become a tradition to hold an annual beauty and creativity contest since 2008. Representatives of modeling agencies were invited: Jaslan Miras – the
November 30, 2017 in Astana, a grand festive youth ball “Zhana Beles – 2017” was held with the participation of students of higher educational institutions and secondary special educational institutions. About two thousand students from all higher educational establishments of the city and activists of colleges gathered. From the College of Eurasian institute of humanities, students of 2-3 courses, “Miss
The Charity Fund “Altyn Shuak Zhastary” jointly with the AGF MK “Zhas Otan” in the Nur Otan Party launched the project “Strength 100 tenge-100 Business Projects” which aims to assist in training, financing the accompanying of these projects to poor citizens. our students have provided active assistance in carrying out this Business Project as volunteers carried out all the tasks
On September 16, employees, lecturers and students of college EAGI actively participated in the municipal subbotnik which was held within the framework of the ecological month for sanitation, general improvement and landscaping of the city