High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

First teaching practice

From May 15 to May 27, 2nd year students, specialty 01140600 “Pedagogy and methods of teaching language and literature of basic secondary education”, qualification: 4S01140605 “Foreign language teacher” had practice “Technology of extracurricular work” at school-gymnasium No. 31 and the national school “Business” Engineering.” From May 29 to June 24, students completed practice at a summer health camp in the

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Production practice

Students of the 3rd year, future teachers of the kazakh language and literature, completed an internship at one of the best schools in our city – gymnasium school #87 named after Abai Kunanbayev. During the practice, students tested the best techniques, new technologies, gained experience at school, which they were able to demonstrate during the conference. This practice showed the

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“Zhyl tandauy – 2023”

The purpose of the event is to congratulate students on the end of the academic year and summing up the results of active student life; formation of industriousness, improvement of well-being during interaction and motivation of students for their further personal growth; identifying talented student youth and creating conditions for their realization of their creative potential. During the event “Zhyl

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Intellectual game «The way to language»

On May 17, 2023, on the basis of the social partners of the «Atomic Energy Information Center», a city competition that has already become traditional among students of the specialty «Translation» of technical and professional educational organizations of Astana was organized: «Higher College of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute»; LLP «Kazakhstan International Linguistic College»; «D.A.Kunaev College»; LLP «College management»; LLP «Kazakhstan

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Victory Day – A holiday with tears in the eyes …

The most terrible war in the history of mankind died down 83 years ago, but the echo of the war still excites our hearts, and we, students and teachers of the college, with tears in our eyes, recall the terrible pages of history, paying tribute to the memory of all those who brought the Great Victory on May 9, 1941

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

May is ringing with different songs – I want to live and work miracles!

Spring came to our college on April 28 – on the eve of the first of May – and folk motives sounded in songs and poems, Kazakhs, Russians, Chechens, Uzbeks danced in circles … Students, teachers, college administration – all became participants in this bright, festive event! And glowing eyes, kind smiles were visible on the faces, and it was

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Professional skills contest “WorldSkills -2023”

“Popularization of working professions!” – this is how the movement of the city professional skills competition “WorldSkills-2023” defines its goal, which is the fruit of the work of a whole mass of specialists! These are, first of all, participants, experts-compatriots and independent experts. This is a “battle” of professionals for Victory! 17 participants in 12 competencies are the national team

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

First professional practice

During the internship, our students get a unique opportunity to get to know our capital better, use their communication skills, develop their communicative competence and gain extensive experience in intercultural communication, which they will need in their professional activities. Thus, second-year students of the specialty “Translation Studies” and bachelors of the specialty “Translation Studies” undergo industrial practice in the National

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Debate tournament “Zharkynbolashak CUP – 2023”

The debate tournament “Zharkynbolashak CUP – 2023” was held within the walls of our college on April 10-11, 2023. The purpose of the tournament: to teach how to defend one’s point of vieweffectively, listen to others and be able to discuss with an opponent in a calm, friendly manner. April 10 resolutiontopics: Round 1: The EP will require all parents