High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Open lesson “the calculation of the cost of the tour”

October 8 was an open lesson in the group Tr-21 discipline “tourism Economics” on the topic ” calculation of the cost of excursions.”
This lesson was conducted by the teacher of special disciplines Shaikova G. K. the Peculiarity of this lesson: the lesson was conducted on the basis of a modular-competence approach in training. Various forms and methods of work were used: group work and work in pairs, the lecture was conducted with elements of conversation. Conducted a test on the previous topic, which the guys performed with an average score of 4.1.
The purpose of the lesson: creating conditions for the formation of ideas about the need to calculate the cost of the tour.
Objectives of the lesson:
– To provide mastering of concepts “cost calculation”, “calculation”, ” excursion hour»;
– To develop the ability to analyze the need to calculate the calculation, to identify the main factors affecting the cost of excursions, to summarize knowledge and draw conclusions for the effective organization of excursions;
– Arouse interest in self-creation of new excursions.
The goals and objectives of the lesson are fully realized. The realization of the purpose of the lesson was based on the example of an excursion to “ALGIERS”, which the students visited a year ago. The lesson was attended by the Methodist of the College Musina A. Z. and teachers: Kalieva A. G., Zhakupova R. T., Sadykova R. K., Makremova Zh. T., Shayakhmetova D. A., A. K., and others. Teachers noted the effectiveness of modular learning technology in teaching special disciplines. They also noted the competent content of the lesson, the choice of teaching methods and control, multi-level tasks of practical content. The teachers also noted the use of the “module route”, which allows to form professional competencies consistently. In the final stage of the lesson, the children were given the task-to prepare information about the planned excursion, the calculation of the cost of which I present at the last lesson. At the stage of reflection, students freely and easily noted the professional significance of this lesson.