High college of Eurasian Humanity Institute

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    IA-B №0128 от 23 декабря 2019 года
By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Zhyl Tandauy-2019

05/22/2019 the annual ceremony of awarding the best students of the College of the Eurasian Humanities Institute “Zhyl Tandauy-2019” was held in the form of “Oscar”. More than 60 students were awarded with diplomas and statuettes in 12 nominations. The event was warm, sincere and creative. The guests and students were overwhelmed with feelings of celebration, delight and positivity.

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“Job Fair”

On April 16, 2019 in the College of the Eurasian Humanities Institute in the framework of the annual plan of educational and industrial work was organized “Job Fair” for graduates of the specialty “Pre-school education and training” enrolled in the state educational grant. The main purpose of this event was to promote employment and employment of graduates of the EAGI

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“What? Where? When? ”

On February 27, 2019 in the Atomic Energy Information Center (AEIC Astana city) was held the regional tour of the popular game “What? Where? When? ”In the framework of the VI All-Russian synchronous championship on intellectual games among schoolchildren and college students of 1-2 courses“Formula of intellect 2019 ”. Among the 19 teams from Astana, 2 teams from the College

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

«Country’s Future, Educated Youth»

The opening of the ten-days “Country’s Future, Educated Youth” of “Pre-school education and training” took place on December 19th. It was noted that the year 2019 was declared the Year of Youth, and the words of The head of the state was supported. This event was held at a high level with the unity of teachers and students. On December

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Protection of technological practices

The 2nd year students of the EAGI college group BDr-21 from 10.12.18 to 4.01.19 passed the technological practice in the city libraries: the National Academic Library of Astana and the ENU Scientific Library. At the end of the practice of February 15.02.19 the group defended the technological practice in the form of an intellectual training game. Members of the two

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

«Pacing 1С»

The graduates of the «Information al system» major of college of the EAHI got the lucky advantage to meet the employers, representativesof1C industry, to learn the prospects for professional and career growth in the field of 1Cwithin the meeting organized by the 1C company management. Student’ comments: Sultan Bahtybayev: The even twos really good organized, online-registrationandnotificationofanupcomingmeeting.Attheentrancetheycheckedregistrationcardandgavenumberstoeachperson. The participants were divided

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Socio – psychological training for students living in a hostel

The process of adaptation of students in a hostel is directly related to social changes in various aspects of life in modern society. The main component of adaptation is a new social environment, a new collective , a system of educational relations and a new role that has a positive and negative impact on the process of adaptation of students.

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

“Dedication to Students” concert

On November 1, 2018, the EAGI College hosted a grand event “Dedication to Students”. The event was held at a high level, the concert program was held in three languages. Our audience heard the performance of the vocal-instrumental group, the author’s reading, saw different types of dance trends. After the main event, everyone left on the “PARTY”. Thanks to all

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Pre-school education and training

4th year student of the specialty «Pre-school education and training» Did The internship on 18th october, 2018 year. Head of the practice: Aimanbetova S.B. The event was consists of 3 parts: 1. Performance of little guests – Grade 1 a of school-gymnasia №22 – Care facilities №32, №34. 2. Carrying out of gaming communication training with invited little guests (25

By - Колледж ЕАГИ

Miss of college EAGI-2018

Dazzling smiles, breathtaking numbers and irresistible outfits all filled the conference hall of the Eurasian Institute of Humanities , on 28th February, in 2018, where the beauty contest “Miss of college EAGI 2018” was held. It has become a tradition to hold an annual beauty and creativity contest since 2008. Representatives of modeling agencies were invited: Jaslan Miras – the